Best Senior Citizen Elderly Discounts & Deals in Singapore

October 02, 2024 3 min read

We all love a good deal. Here’s a list of best deals and discounts in Singapore for you and your loved ones. So, embrace your age, and the discounts that come with it! 

Deals for Singapore Local Attractions

1. Wildlife Reserves Singapore

Promotions | Mandai Wildlife Reserve

Singapore residents who are 60 years of age or older can get discounted tickets to Mandai Wildlife Reserve's parks:
  • Singapore Zoo: S$18, plus complimentary tram rides
  • Jurong Bird Park: S$15
  • Night Safari: S$22
  • River Wonders: S$17 

Bringing your loved ones for a nice meal but worried they can't walk far?

Consider getting our Foldable Walking Canes which fit easily into your bag so you can take it out to use when needed.

For those who prefer two-handed support, try our Lightweight Walkers, designed to aid in walking. They fold easily when not in use and are free-standing so you can keep them by your side.



2. Gardens By The Bay

Image credit:

Gardens by the Bay in Singapore offers a senior discount for Singapore residents who are 60 years old and older:

  • Flower Dome: Seniors pay S$8 to enter, compared to S$12 for adults
  • Cloud Forest: Seniors pay S$8 to enter, compared to S$59 for non-residents
  • OCBC Skyway: Seniors pay S$5–S$8 to ride, depending on the attraction
  • Annual Pass: Seniors pay S$60 for an annual pass, compared to S$68 for adults

Check out Grandma Lily roaming around Gardens by the Bay freely with our HappyWheels Travel Rollator!

3. Singapore Flyer

If you’re looking for something more relaxing, you can consider a ride on the Singapore Flyer. Take in the magnificent views of the city from up high, especially during sunset.

On Tuesdays, senior tickets cost S$25, while usual adult tickets cost S$40.

Outings can get tiring, especially if your loved ones are not used to walking for longer distances.

Consider getting our HappyWheels Travel Chair, a portable and compact wheelchair that is perfect for short trips and traveling.

For those who can still walk, consider our EZ Fold-N-Go Rollator, which is perfect for taking a rest anytime. 


Deals for Fun Activities

1. Discounted Movie Tickets

Watch the latest blockbusters with these discounted movie tickets at the following cinemas:

  • Golden Village: Offers $5 tickets for senior citizens for movies before 6 PM, Monday through Friday. This offer is not valid for public holidays, the eve of public holidays, Sneaks, Gold Class, Premium Priced Programmes, Group Screenings, Film Marathons, Film Festivals, Premieres, Movie Packages, or 3D Films
  • Shaw Theatres: Offers a special concession rate for senior citizens for movies before 6 PM, Monday through Friday. This offer is only valid for walk-in purchases at Shaw Theatres Box Offices. It is not valid for Shaw Theatres premiere and premium-priced films/events.
  • Cathay Cineplexes: Offers a discounted ticket for Merdeka Generation citizens born in 1950 to 1959, and Pioneer citizens born before 1949. This offer is only valid for 2D movie tickets.

2. National Silver Academy (NSA)

The National Silver Academy has specially curated a series of course packages, offered at a discounted rate, covering a variety of topics that offers insights to prepare us for our silver years. Singaporeans and permanent residents (PRs) aged 50 and above may be eligible for discounts on courses at the National Silver Academy (NSA):

  • PSEIs: Singaporeans aged 50 and above may receive a subsidy of up to 50% off course fees, capped at $500 per course.
  • Community-based organizations: Singaporeans and PRs aged 50 and above may receive a subsidy of up to 80% off course fees.


Grocery Deals


1.NTUC Fairprice

Offers a 2% discount on Tuesdays for seniors and permanent residents (SPRs) who are 60 years or older. Other discounts include a 3% Pioneer Discount Scheme on Mondays, a 3% Pioneer & Merdeka Discount Scheme on Wednesdays, and a 3% CHAS Blue Discount Scheme on Thursdays.

2. Sheng Siong

Offers a 4% discount on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for senior citizens. The discount does not apply to certain items, such as tobacco, alcohol, and medicinal products. Family members can also present the senior's identity card to receive the discount.

3. Prime Supermarket

Offers a 4% discount on Tuesdays and Thursdays for Singaporeans and PRs who are 60 or older. The discount does not apply to certain items, such as tobacco products, alcohol, and magazines.


With so many discounts and benefits for seniors to enjoy, it's time to start exploring.

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